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Kebony is looking for a Global IT Manager

For our client Kebony we are looking for an experienced, professional and skilled Global IT Manager as a strategic but also hands-on business partner in the field of IT. A wonderful IT function that is crucial for the further development of Kebony. We are looking for an experienced IT Manager who likes to build up from a small-sized IT operation and transform it into a futureproof IT organization. An energetic personality that inspires and motivates others to go the extra mile. You are responsible for the IT strategy and all related activities. You build your team and ensure a safe, efficient, and future-proof IT environment. You are innovative, determine together with the business what the organization needs in the field of IT, identify potential risks, and respond appropriately. You have a structured analytical approach and report to the CFO.

Read the complete job profile >

Applications (a job-specific cover letter plus CV) for this Global IT Manager at Kebony are welcomed preferably as soon as possible.

View all our references within the industry >

Previous positions fulfilled by InterExcellent in the role of IT director/IT manager >

Voor vragen of meer informatie neem contact op

Sietse Bergstra

Drs. Sietse Bergstra

Managing Partner
We ondersteunen organisaties om hun keten van IT en IV weer werkend te maken.